Aqualens | Click to view more…


Experience the vision of success with Lenskart's Aqualens, a valued client of Sellryt, where innovation meets eyewear excellence.

Lenskart's Aqualens is a prominent player in the eyewear industry, specializing in contact lenses and eyeglasses. Committed to offering quality eye-care solutions, Aqualens caters to a diverse clientele. Their dedication to innovation and vision enhancement has made them a trusted name in the optical world, and Sellryt is proud to have partnered with them to elevate their brand.


At Sellryt, we ideated and designed packaging, posters, flyers, and merchandise to embody Lenskart's Aqualens brand essence and innovation, forging a stronger industry connection.

Our creative team at Sellryt embarked on a journey to understand the essence of Lenskart's Aqualens brand, diving deep into their vision and values. This immersive process allowed us to conceptualize and craft packaging that not only protected but also visually represented their eyewear products. The poster designs were strategically planned to convey key messages and captivate the audience. Flyers were meticulously designed to showcase product highlights effectively, and merchandise was conceptualized to align with Aqualens' brand identity. Through collaboration and innovation, we ensured that each element of our services resonated with Aqualens' mission of enhancing vision and eye care.


Lenskart's Aqualens partnered with Sellryt to enhance their brand presence and eyewear offerings through creative solutions.

Under this collaboration, Sellryt meticulously designed a range of services that aimed to enhance Lenskart's Aqualens brand presence and eyewear offerings. The journey began with packaging design, where we focused on creating visually appealing and protective packaging that not only showcased the product but also resonated with Aqualens' brand identity. Poster creation was a strategic endeavor, aiming to convey key messages effectively and capture the attention of the target audience. Our flyer designs were thoughtfully crafted to highlight product features and benefits, serving as informative and engaging marketing tools. Lastly, the merchandise designs were conceptualized to align seamlessly with Aqualens' brand values and enhance the overall customer experience. Each step of this creative process was marked by collaboration, innovation, and a deep understanding of Aqualens' mission to provide quality eyewear solutions


Tailored services resulted in substantial benefits for Lenskart's Aqualens, enhancing their brand recognition, market presence, and customer engagement.

The collaboration with Lenskart's Aqualens yielded impressive outcomes. Enhanced packaging not only safeguarded products but also enhanced their visual appeal, resulting in increased sales and greater recognition. Thoughtfully crafted posters effectively communicated key messages, contributing to heightened brand recognition and improved customer engagement. Informative and captivating flyers served as potent marketing tools, drawing potential customers and driving sales growth. Additionally, merchandise designs seamlessly aligned with the brand's identity, enriching the overall customer experience. Collectively, these efforts elevated Aqualens' brand recognition, expanded market presence, and deepened customer engagement, positioning them prominently within the eyewear industry.

